Scott Reynolds
Scott Reynolds, Senior Associate of National School Reform and Director of STEM Initiatives, leads district and school improvement initiatives throughout the nation, guides district level educator effectiveness projects, and builds the capacity of regional service agencies in multiple states. He has trained leaders from more than 30 states on high-quality teaching practices, principal leadership development, and evaluation systems. Further, Scott co-directs CTAC’s federally-funded Education Innovation and Research initiative in California and has won several awards in STEM education. He previously served Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools as curriculum specialist, professional developer, and award-winning teacher. He also spearheaded the Leadership for Educators’ Advanced Performance initiative, funded by the Teacher Incentive Fund. In addition, Scott served as Vice President of the Classroom Teachers Association of North Carolina. His areas of expertise include school and district improvement, preK–12 STEM initiatives, evaluation and compensation reform, science and mathematics assessments, union-management collaboration, standards-based curricula, and constructivist pedagogy.