Christina School District, the largest school district in Delaware, undertook system-wide reforms to address a persistent pattern of student underachievement. Over a two-year period, a total of 13,742 administrators, teachers, parents, and students from Christina School District engaged in CTAC’s Standard Bearer Schools process and probed for the causes of underperformance.

The district and schools then focused on addressing these causes. Results show that it is possible to increase student achievement overall, while also bridging the achievement gap.

“CTAC’s capacity building, collaboration, and strategic and tactical support was pivotal to our ability to make a big difference for students.”

—Joseph Wise, Superintendent (former)


  • All student sub-groups showed increases in student achievement on three major independent assessments.
  • African American and Latino students showed the most significant improvements in student achievement—for the first time ever in the district.

Download the report:

Download Report "New Directions in Christina"
