Teacher Trust Matters

Headlines about teacher and teacher union concerns over efforts to link teacher performance evaluations to student achievement scores leave one with the impression that teachers are either unwilling to be accountable for student achievement or that they are just resistant to changing their ways. Yet, those of us working in schools and districts know that … Read more »

An Open Letter to the New Congressional Leadership

  Dear Majority Leader McConnell and Speaker Boehner, As a result of the midterm elections, you and your colleagues are now in a position to pass bicameral legislation to address critical national issues, including those facing education. We all know that what happens in our schools affects our economy, our societal well-being and our global … Read more »

The Power of SLOs in Teacher Evaluation

By Selma Broeder (https://flic.kr/p/6ALaGA) [CC-BY-2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Nationwide, Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) have emerged as the “it” component of new teacher evaluation systems. Developed by teachers, SLOs are carefully planned goals for what students will learn over a given time period. This process is designed to evoke critical, evidence-based thought about student growth. SLOs are being implemented in more than 20 states … Read more »

After Remediation

  Every year in the U.S., large numbers of college freshmen get a rude shock: they discover that they have to begin college by taking non-credit, remedial courses because they’re not ready for college work. This academic holding pattern creates a drag on motivation and, without a doubt, on wallets. Worse, it doesn’t work. Many … Read more »

About CTAC’s new blog

CTAC’s work with communities, school districts, states, and the federal government gives us a broad perspective on the issues and on how policies play out at different system levels. Through our initiatives around the country, we hear stories behind the headlines from teachers, principals, parents, and policymakers—the people who are trying to make a difference. … Read more »