Issues Affecting NGOs in Bulgaria

Lina Slavova is the Cultural Manager and Board member of Hamalogika, a non-governmental organization based in Burgas, Bulgaria. A non-governmental organization (NGO) in Bulgaria is a foundation or association independent from the government. Another way to refer to a NGO would be as a “non-profit organization,” because it develops non-profit social activities, financed from non-political … Read more »

Is “For-Profit Education” an Oxymoron?

  We applaud entrepreneurs that have an idea, take a risk and strike it big. It’s the American way. So some may ask, why does government and the larger educational community look skeptically at a for-profit entity that is operating a school or college? Why can’t for-profits operate effectively in public sector arenas such as … Read more »

Is it worth investing in education?

A 2017 Institute of Education Sciences report labeled some of the school improvement models mandated under ESEA as ineffective. So, does this mean we need to stop trying to grow our knowledge on how to improve chronically underperforming schools? Do we need to stop investing in education and let market forces dictate how our educational … Read more »

How K–12 Public School Funding Works — And How New Changes May Help Close the Achievement Gap

Photo by Jacob Edward ( CC-BY-2.0 (

Most Americans — including political and business leaders, and even people who work in schools — have a very limited understanding of how schools are funded. In fact, in the majority of state capitals, there are only a handful of individuals who truly understand the funding formulas. This is not because people are apathetic, but … Read more »